BMFA ‘A’ Test Proficiency Standards
The information below is from the official BMFA document, and relates only to the Fixed wing power test
The official BMFA documentation is available here
2023 Issue
(March 2023)
Achievement Scheme Information & Communication
The BMFA Achievement Scheme provides every RC flyer the opportunity to set themselves an achievement target to aim for, and then have their progress assessed and confirmed by an examiner.
The Achievement Scheme is run by the BMFA as a National Scheme and it is open to all model flyers. Where a non-member wishes to participate in the achievement scheme the examiner who will be conducting the test must inform the BMFA office via email or telephone no later than the day prior to the test being carried out of the non-member’s full name, address and the date that the test will be conducted. This enables the BMFA to extend insurance at suitable levels for the day of the test. If this procedure is not followed the test will be invalid.
The examination for an ‘A’ Certificate may be taken on application to any BMFA Examiner.
The candidate must successfully complete the test schedules in one attempt. A maximum of two attempts at the examination are permitted in any one day.
Legal Responsibilities
Only pilots with a suitable model that are operating legally are eligible to take the test.
There are clearly defined legal requirements for the operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft (model aircraft), from passing a CAA (or BMFA) legal & safety knowledge test before piloting a model, to registering with the CAA as an SUA Operator (can also be done via the BMFA) if the pilot is also the owner and operator of the model aircraft, then ensuring the SUA Operator identity number is appropriately attached to the model. There are also restrictions on where a model can be flown and the heights and distances from people, property, vehicles or structures that the model can be operated. Finally, there is a legal requirement to operate the model safely e.g. ensuring the model is ‘fit for safe flight’ and the pilot is in a fit state to undertake that flight, as well as the site and weather conditions being suitable.
‘A’ Certificate
The ‘A’ Certificate is a measure of flying ability and safety which “may be equated to a safe solo standard of flying” and an increasing number of clubs use it as their ‘solo’ test.
As an Examiner, the level of competence you should expect of a candidate should be based on that criterion; that is ‘is this person, in your opinion, fit to be allowed to fly unsupervised’.
Also be aware that you may ask questions on any local site rules that the candidate should be aware of and these may form an important part
of the test questions you ask.
The candidate should have studied the BMFA Member’s Handbook and the associated Annexes and safety codes. As well as being an excellent guide to the safe flying of model aircraft, most of the questions asked at the end of the test will be from these sources.
Remember that the Member’s Handbook and associated annexes etc. are now ‘active’ documents published on the BMFA website.
Also be aware that you may ask questions on any local site rules that the candidate should be aware of and these may form an important part of the test questions you ask.
The Model
The tests can be performed with virtually any powered fixed wing model, i/c or electric. It is not expected that the test will be taken with an electric powered glider, however, as the Silent Flight Electric Certificates would be more appropriate to that type of model.
For ‘A’ and ‘B’ tests the minimum weight of a model used is 1 kg (2.2 lbs.) without fuel but with batteries, and the use of gyros, autopilot or other electronic stability/pilot aids is not permitted during the tests. If any such system is fitted to the model it must be disabled during the tests and you should check that this has been done. The model must also be capable of taking off from the ground.
Electric Powered Models must be treated as LIVE as soon as the main flight battery is connected, irrespective of radio state and great care must be demonstrated by the candidate. The arming sequence should be clearly understood and discussed/demonstrated to you by the candidate.
Whatever model is brought by the candidate it must be suitable to fly the manoeuvres required by the test they are taking.
It is a common misconception that the candidate for the ‘B’ Certificate needs to fly an ‘aerobatic model’. In fact the test can be performed with most powered fixed wing models. The options allowed in the test mean that even a three channel trainer can cope if well trimmed and flown.
Having said this, on no account may the candidate use the performance of the model as an excuse for a poor performance on their part. For instance, a candidate flying a three channel model through the rolling manoeuvres accurately deserves the credit but one who makes a mess of the rolls with the same type of model cannot say that it is the fault of the model. You should make no allowances on this point.
You do not have the authority to alter the required manoeuvres to suit a model and if, in your opinion, the model is unsuitable for the test then you should explain this to the candidate and tell them that they cannot use that model. The selection of the model to do the test is the responsibility of the pilot and it is they you are testing, not the model.
Similarly, the type of model presented cannot be used as an excuse for not completing certain manoeuvres. A pilot cannot turn up with a twin, for instance, and then say that the spin is too dangerous because the model would not pull out of it.
Another important point to remember is that the candidate is not expected to build or even own the model they use. There is no reason why a flyer who does not own a suitable model could not borrow one from a friend or club mate.
Buddy Box Systems
Buddy leads and other dual control training aids must not be used during any achievement scheme test.
Hand Launching
The test guidance states ‘If, in the opinion of the Examiner the surface of the flying area is such that a rolling take-off would not be possible, hand launches may be permitted’.
The clear implication of this is that the candidate must turn up for the test with a model that is capable of taking off on its own undercarriage or from a dolly. If they bring a model that cannot take off from the ground then they may not take the ‘A’ or ‘B’ test under the ‘suitable model’ requirements, but can attempt the Basic Proficiency test.
Note also that for the ‘A’ and ‘B’ tests you ‘may’ permit a hand launch. It’s just as likely that you ‘may not’, in which case the test will have to be postponed and taken in better circumstances.
Height and Speed and Positioning
The Basic Proficiency and ‘A’ certificate candidate should be a reasonably confident pilot, even though they may only have been flying for a few months, the ‘B’ certificate candidate should be a confident pilot and this should show in the height and speed at which they fly the test. Flying too high is not the mark of a confident pilot. The test should be flown at a height of between 100 and 150 feet (that is roughly three to five houses high); any higher could be a sign of lack of confidence.
Intelligent use of the throttle is an important factor in confident flying and you should watch out for this. A pilot who flies at take-off power throughout the whole flight should not pass; they are not thinking.
Most electric powered models will have speed controllers that are capable of excellent throttle control. However, if a model is fitted with a very basic type of speed controller which is capable of little more than an on-off action, the comments about speed may not apply and you will have to make some allowances for the fact. Discuss this with the candidate before the flight.
The distance out from the pilot is also extremely important. Any crossing manoeuvres during any one flight should be performed at a consistent appropriate and safe distance out from the pilot, depending on the size of the model being used to take the test, and you should establish this with the candidate prior to the test. Flying closer in or further out than this should be brought to the attention of the pilot and if he does not then comply with the requested crossing distance he must fail.
It is a requirement that “all manoeuvres are carried out in front of the pilot” with the implication that the model will be crossing in front of the pilot just beyond the take-off and landing area on several occasions during the flight. Care should be taken by the pilot that the line of approach each time is consistent and you should note if it is not.
For the ‘A’ certificate the combination of reasonable height and good use of the throttle should mean that the model will be flying at constant height throughout most of the test and you should note if the height flown varies significantly. Slightly varying height and somewhat inconsistent lines are not necessarily reasons to fail the candidate but they do give you a good indication of the pilot’s general level of competence and could influence your final decision. Very poorly flown height or lines are a sure sign that the pilot has not practised the test and are a legitimate reason to fail them.
Although the manoeuvres are set out in such a way that they can be flown one after the other as a schedule, this is ABSOLUTELY NOT what is expected. The candidate can opt to fly the test in this way but it is not mandatory. Most flights will have a combination of direct transitions and positioning circuits between manoeuvres and will help if you discuss this with the candidate before the flight. You, of course, should be watching any extra circuits just as carefully as the rest of the flight as they can tell you a lot about the competence of the flyer.
A pilot who transitions directly from one manoeuvre to the next is not to be penalised as this is quite acceptable but watch out for the pilot who hasn’t practised enough. Trying to fly the test in this way can get them into some very awkward positions. Two attempts per examination will be allowed in any one day.
It is expected that the candidate will start the test with a model that has been trimmed out previously but they should be able to trim the model out in the air very quickly if necessary. If you see obvious signs that the model is out of trim and the candidate makes no attempt to rectify the matter you should seriously question their basic competence.
Any re-trimming should be done on the first circuit and if the pilot cannot accomplish this then you should again seriously think about their basic ability, especially if they put the model in any danger or the model flies behind the pilot or in any other unsafe areas.
Quiet competence is what you are looking for during the flight but most candidates will be nervous and you should make some allowance for this. If the flyer is very nervous you should seriously consider abandoning the test for the time being and offering the candidate a coaching flight or two to settle them down before re-taking the test. This can be done on the same day and can really help those candidates who have trouble with nerves when flying in a test situation.
Repeating Manoeuvres
At Basic Proficiency and ‘A’ certificate level the manoeuvres are simple and the candidate should be competent to fly them with very few errors. At ‘B’ certificate level the candidate should be competent to fly the more advanced manoeuvres in the test with very few errors. If you see any major faults the test should be taken again. It may be, however, that the candidate will make a minor mistake on a manoeuvre and if you are not fully satisfied with what you have seen you should consider asking for the manoeuvre to be repeated.
Some judgement is called for on your part here. A major mistake is grounds for failing the candidate, especially if loss of control has occurred or a dangerous situation has arisen. You should definitely not let them have multiple attempts at each manoeuvre until they get it right but you must give yourself the best chance of assessing the competence of the pilot you are testing.
You should consider what you have seen the model do and if you think to yourself “could be better” then a request that the manoeuvre be repeated may be considered. Be extremely careful about using this option, however, as you could very easily be degrading the worth of the test. It must not, under any circumstances, degenerate into a series of ‘practice’ manoeuvres.
Repeating the Test
The rules allow two attempts at the test in a day. If the candidate fails the first of these you must consider their performance in deciding what to do next. Many failures will be reasonably good pilots or they could be borderline cases. In these circumstances it might be appropriate to offer one or two coaching flights and then a repeat of the test. Remember that many of the candidates will be unfamiliar with flying under pressure and might do very well on the second test.
On the other hand, it will probably be obvious to you on many occasions that the pilot you are testing is simply not ready for the test they are taking. In this situation it is better that you tell them so quite clearly. It could then be extremely useful for you to offer to fly a demonstration test for them (assuming that a suitable model is available to you and that you are happy to do so) so that they can gain an idea of the standard of flying required, especially if they have shown a lack of understanding of the manoeuvres and positioning. This, possibly along with a little coaching, is far more useful to everyone than simply telling the candidate that they have failed.
Interruptions to the Test
A possibility that may occur during a test is an engine failure part way through which could very well lead to a damaged model. If this is the case then the test obviously cannot continue and you should invoke the rule that the test should be performed in one flight and count the flight as one of the two attempts allowed during the day.
Genuine engine trouble or even engine-out situations during the test may be dealt with in one of three ways.
If the test was being generally flown in a satisfactory manner and the problem can be rectified quickly then the candidate may be allowed to continue the test from the start of the manoeuvre in which the problem occurred.
If the problem cannot be rectified quickly but you consider that it was a genuine unforeseen occurrence, you may annul the test and not count it as one of the two attempts.
If the test up to the point of failure was not satisfactory, you have the option to cancel the rest of the test and count the flight as on
e of the two attempts allowed during the day.
Obviously, you will have to use your judgement on this matter as there will rarely be black and white situations but how they handled the emergency should be of great interest to you when you come to review the candidate’s overall standard of flying.
Designated Landing Area
Both the power-on and the deadstick landing have to be performed on the ‘designated landing area’. The exact definition of this landing area must be left to the examiner as it will obviously depend on the flying site and possibly the weather conditions at the time of the test.
A point to bear in mind is that the fixed wing ‘B’ certificate test requires that the landing be performed with the ‘wheels to touch within a pre-designated 30 metre boundary’. Any decision you make on the landing area for the ‘BPC’ and ‘A’ test must obviously not be more restricted than this but if you feel that the site and conditions warrant some relaxation of this distance then it can certainly be allowed. However, the ‘30 metre boundary’ does give you a useful starting point and one which you may feel comfortable with.
At your discretion you may allow a larger ‘designated landing area’ for the simulated deadstick landing than for the power on landing. If in doubt you should remember that it is not the intention to put the candidate’s model in any danger but a good, controlled, into wind landing must be demonstrated. From 200 ft above the strip, however, it shouldn’t be in the next field
It is very important that you discuss all this with the candidate before the test begins so that you are both in no doubt where and how big the designated landing areas are for both landings.
Intermediate Landing
Exceptionally, at a pre-determined point in the flight an intermediate landing may be permitted for the sole purpose of either re-fuelling or the fitting of a freshly charged flight battery. This landing may only be made with the prior consent of the Examiners. The pre-determined point may be either after a specific manoeuvre or at a specific time of flight, whichever is requested by the candidate and agreed by the Examiners.
Full pre and post flight checks are not normally required during an intermediate landing and takeoff unless the model suffered a hard landing. However, the candidate should give the model at least a quick visual examination whilst on the ground.
Helpers for Disabled Candidates, Young Candidates and Others Who have Requested Help During the Test
When disabled or young candidates present themselves for the test it may be that they will not physically be able to perform all the actions that most candidates can. At times, other candidates may also request help with certain physical aspects during the test (they may, for instance, have an injured finger). There will be times when you, as an Examiner, will think ‘how much can I relax the test requirements for this person’.
Some Examiners make the decision to make no allowances at all but this effectively bars many people from attempting the tests. If we think of the achievement scheme as a true national scheme then we must consider how we can accommodate candidates, not how we can stop them from participating.
The answer, of course, is that you, as an Examiner, must make on-the-spot decisions about what you will allow during the test and, in such cases, you are within your authority to take such decisions. The guidelines set out below may help but at all times the two items at the end of this section must take precedence. They are not negotiable and mean that, whoever the candidate is, they have to convince you that they know what they are doing or what is happening for the full duration of the test.
For instance, a disabled flyer may have difficulty handling the model and may not be able to carry it out to the strip, release it for launch or retrieve it after the flight. The sensible use of a helper is certainly allowable in such cases but it is essential that they only do what the candidate asks them to do. Pre-flight checks and engine starting may be another problem area that can be overcome by a helper but you should expect the candidate to do as much of the work as possible themselves and they should be able to talk you through anything that the helper does for them. Be sure to discuss all this with the candidate before starting the test.
All of these comments can apply to younger flyers too but there is an added complication with engine starting. Many parents are very unhap
py about letting their children near a running engine and will not allow them to start their own engines. This is a perfectly valid view and, again, is a case where a helper can be used. If this situation does occur with the younger candidates, however, you should insist that they do all the pre-flight and preparation work themselves, up to applying the starter to the engine. If they cannot do this then they should not pass.
After engine start, the helper can adjust engine controls and carry the model but only on the instructions of the candidate.
In all cases:
- If, at any time, the helper takes over the decision making process from the candidate then the candidate must fail.
- You can make no allowances whatsoever for anyone during the flying of the test.
The candidate can either perform the flight manoeuvres as specified or they can’t. If they can’t then they must not be passed.
Make sure in your briefing that both the candidate and the helper are fully aware of both of these points.
Some sites have very specific rules about sharing with other users e.g. airspace sharing with hang gliders, para gliders, or other full-size aircraft, and ground based activities like walkers or riding. The examiner must ensure that he, as well as the candidate, is fully aware of these requirements before commencing the test.
Any failure by the candidate to observe these rules during the flight should result in a failure.
For all these reasons, it is good practice for the examiner to ask the candidate for his assessment of the risks observed at the site before preparing to fly and to be clear how the candidate will conduct the flight so as to minimise any such risks. An insufficient grasp of these factors will normally be grounds to postpone the test, assisted by some mentoring from the examiner and further work with the candidate’s instructor or club colleagues using that site.
Alignment and/or track of the manoeuvres should be discussed and agreed before commencement of the test, taking into account the existing/forecast wind direction, position of the Sun on bright days and any site restrictions and/or no fly areas. Where the test includes reference to wind direction (e.g. “into wind”) this will form an important part of the discussion.
The ‘A’ Test
(a) Carry out pre-flight checks as required by the BMFA safety codes.
The pre-flight checks are laid out clearly in the BMFA Member’s Handbook. The candidate should also go through the pre-flying session checks, also laid out in the Member’s Handbook. Ask the candidate to go through their checks as if the test flight was their first flight of the day. Particular attention should be given to airframe, control linkages and surfaces.
Points to look for are that the candidate has a steady and regular ground routine, especially when starting and tuning the engine. Nerves may play a part in the pits but you should satisfy yourself that the candidate is actually in control of what they are doing when preparing their aircraft for flight.
A neat ground layout makes a good impression but bear in mind that many ‘A’ certificate candidates will not have been flying for too long and you should be prepared to make allowances. A poor performance in this area is not grounds for failing the candidate, however, it is inevitable that you will be making mental notes of all aspects of the candidate’s competence and this is one that might have an effect on a real ‘borderline’ case.
Pay particular attention to the way the candidate uses the local frequency control system and make sure that they fully understand it and use the correct sequence appropriate to their model. For 35 MHz, this is usually ‘get the peg, Tx on, Rx on’. For 2.4 GHz, the candidate should be aware of any local transmitter usage limitations and if a flight peg is required, it must be obtained before the Tx is turned on. Some
radio equipment and, occasionally, a specific model requirement requires that the Rx be switched on first and, if this is the case, the candidate should explain this clearly to you.
With electric powered models, take note that the candidate is aware that the model is ‘live’ as soon as the flight battery is plugged in and that they take appropriate safety precautions. If a separate receiver battery is fitted, the candidate should have the opportunity to check the operation of the radio equipment before the flight battery is plugged in.
Watch carefully and take note that the transmitter controls, trims and switches are checked by the pilot.
All candidates are required to be aware of the local the frequency control system and anyone who is required to use it but switches their radio on before doing so should be failed on the spot.
If there is no one else available then there is nothing to stop you aiding the candidate by holding the model for the power check, carrying it out for take-off etc. but any such actions must be performed by you directly on the instructions of the candidate. You must not prompt them or carry out any actions of your own accord. Talk this over with the candidate in your pre-flight briefing.
If the test is being taken with an electric powered model then the candidate should show that they are familiar with the safe handling of such models.
In particular they must demonstrate to you the ‘arming’ sequence for their model. For safety reasons many speed controllers have a pre-programmed sequence of actions that have to be followed before the motor will respond to throttle stick movements. For instance, after switching on Tx and Rx and then plugging in the main flight battery, one type of controller requires that you move the throttle stick from low to full throttle and then back to low before the motor is ‘armed’ and ready for flight.
The candidate must be fully familiar with the system fitted to the model and should brief you on the system and demonstrate it working at some time during the pre-flight checks.
Generally, they must show that they are paying particular attention to the transmitter and receiver switch on sequence and they must make you aware that they are treating the model as ‘live’ as soon as the flight battery is plugged in, no matter what arming sequence they may then have to go through.
The pilot must demonstrate the correct function of the failsafe, where appropriate, before committing to the flight.
The pilot must stand in the designated pilot area for the entirety of the flying part of the test.
(b) Take off and complete a left (or right) hand circuit and overfly the take-off area.
The model may be carried out to the take off position by the candidate or a helper or it may be taxied out from a safe position in front of the pits/pilots area. Taxiing out of the pits is an instant fail. Prior to carrying or taxiing out, the pilot should inform other pilots flying that his model is going out onto the active area.
Take off must be performed with the model a safe distance from the pilot box area and on a line which does not take the model towards the pits, other people or any other danger/no fly area.
Take off should be reasonably straight with the model not being pulled off the ground too soon. It can be a point in the flyer’s favour if, in the case of the take-off going wrong, they abandon it in a safe manner. It’s far better that they think about what they are doing rather than try to coax a model with a sick engine into the air. If a take-off is aborted in a safe manner you should immediately reassure the candidate that they will not be penalised for taking correct actions, even though these may conflict with what the test requires.
Climb out should be at a steady angle and straight until operational height is reached when the model should be levelled, the throttle brought back to cruise power and the model established in the circuit.
The type of circuit is not stated so either racetrack, rectangular or circular is acceptable. This choice of circuit type applies to the rest of the flight as well except when a certain type of circuit is specified for a manoeuvre.
On completion of the circuit, the model will be flying into wind past the front of the pilot and, for safety reasons, just over the far
edge of the take off area. Tell the candidate prior to the flight the line that you want them to be following.
You must make sure that the candidate is clear on this, the line will be set by the model flying across in front of them on a heading which should be agreed before the flight (usually, but not always, into wind) and passing over a set point. This first pass in front of the pilot is extremely important as it sets the standard height and line for the rest of the test and this standard height and line will be referred to often in these notes.
(c) Fly a “figure of eight” course with the cross-over in front of the pilot, height to be constant.
The candidate should be aiming to fly the manoeuvre as shown in the diagrams above.
Before commencing this manoeuvre, the pilot must check that the airspace is clear and announce his intentions to the other pilots as part of the manoeuvre will produce a flight path opposing the normal circuit direction.
The model is flown on the standard line and height into wind across the landing area, a ¼ circle away from the pilot is flown so the model is directly in front of the pilot and briefly flying directly away from the pilot, a full circle in the opposite direction is flown bringing the model back to in front of and heading away from the pilot, a ¾ circle is then flown in the opposite direction to the full circle. The manoeuvre finishes, with the model flying into wind across the front of the pilot at standard line and height, not with another turn away.
The difficult part of the manoeuvre is the first full circle and it catches many people out. Most inexperienced flyers will try to fly this circle with a constant angle of bank but if they do this in anything above a flat calm the crossover point will drift downwind from the pilot. The pilot should fly this turn with varying angles of bank (less at the start of the turn, gradually adding more bank as the model turns downwind) so that the crossover is in front of them and heading away.
If they do not get this right they will either finish up with the crossover way downwind, fly too near the pilots line or panic as the model accelerates towards them as it begins to come downwind and pull far too much bank (vertical!) to get the crossover point correct. This is not a sign that they have thought about the manoeuvre or practised it.
The manoeuvre finishes, as in the diagrams, with the model flying into wind across the front of the pilot at standard line and height, not with another turn away.
(d) Fly a rectangular circuit and approach with appropriate use of the throttle and perform a landing on the designated landing area.
The pilot should call this manoeuvre out loudly as a landing during the standard line and height initial into-wind pass across the landing area and you should take note that they have visually checked the active area before and during the manoeuvre (watch for head movements). The ability to glance away from the model to re-check that the landing area is clear is important and is a skill that a ‘solo standard’ pilot should posses
If a landing is called when there is anyone out on the landing area (for instance taking off or retrieving models) who may not be in a position to hear the call then you may consider that the candidate has not given due consideration to field safety.
Watch out for the downwind leg not being flown parallel to the upwind leg and the turns being flown either too tight or too wide (most will try to fly them too tight and almost try to put a ninety degree ‘snap’ turn in which is NOT required). Throttle should be reduced either just before or just after the last crosswind turn with the crosswind leg descending into the turn on to final approach.
Once established on final approach, on line and descending, the candidate should make appropriate use of the throttle to set up and control the final descent rate. The aim of all this is to have the model at a speed, position and rate of descent which will guarantee a reasonably accurate touchdown on the landing area.
If the candidate opens the throttle and climbs away during the approach then they should have a very good reason, such as people walking out on to the runway. Any reasons offered by the candidate for an unscheduled overshoot cannot include not being lined up correctly or anything similar. However, if they do have good reason to perform an unscheduled overshoot and they handle the situation well then it would be fair for you to take this into consideration when summing up their flight.
If the test is taken with an electric powered model then you should be aware that ‘appropriate use of the throttle’ allows for different patterns of throttle use during the approach and landing and this will very much depend on the type of motor speed controller fitted to the model. With some controllers it is quite likely that the prop will be stopped at some points in the approach and also during the actual landing.
This is quite allowable but you must bear in mind that you are testing a rectangular circuit and power on landing so it is expected that the pattern flown by the model will equate closely with that which would be flown by an i/c powered aircraft.
If the engine stops during the landing the model may be retrieved and the engine restarted to enable the remaining parts of the test to be completed.
The guidance in section (h) below (page 15) on what to do with the transmitter whilst recovering a model should be followed.
If the landing was good, the candidate should give the model a quick visual check prior to restarting the engine and all the normal engine starting safety procedures should be followed, exactly as for the initial engine start.
Anything other than a good landing should mean that the candidate makes a more thorough check of the aircraft, possibly up to a full pre-flight check of the model if, for instance, it has turned over at the end of the landing run (which can happen even on the best landings).
- Take off and complete a left (or right) hand circuit and overfly the take-off area
If the engine remains running after the landing in (d), and the candidate is confident of their ability to do so, the model may be taxied back to the take-off point although this is not a requirement. If the engine stops during this manoeuvre the candidate should not be penalised and the normal retrieval and restart procedure should be followed.
If the model with its engine running is retrieved and replaced for take-off by a helper then it should be done with due regard for field safety. If no helper is available then you should offer to do this for the candidate.
- Fly a rectangular circuit at a constant height in the opposite direction to the landing circuit in (d) above.
Before commencing this manoeuvre, the pilot must check that the airspace is clear and announce his intentions to the other pilots, as the manoeuvre produces a flight path opposing the normal circuit direction. Any initial turn to position for this manoeuvre shall be away from the pilot box area.
Watch once again for parallel legs with reasonable turns and level flight. A common mistake is to turn on to the final crosswind leg (the upwind one) too soon. The result of this will almost inevitably be that the final turn of the manoeuvre will be too close to the pilot and may finish up as a ‘panic’ turn. Make sure that candidates give themselves plenty of room upwind, especially if the wind is at all strong.
- Perform a simulated deadstick landing with the engine at idle, beginning at a safe height (approx. 200 feet) over the take-off area, the landing to be made in a safe manner on the designated landing area.
The manoeuvre does not specify any particular type of circuit so the main thing to watch out for here is sensible circuit management with the model not being dived steeply or held off in too flat a glide. The pilot should do as many circuits as they feel comfortable with although this will very seldom be more than two. If there is any wind at all then they may be in trouble if they plan more than one. If they have not practised this manoeuvre it will be very obvious and if a safe controlled into wind landing is not achieved then the candidate should fail.
The pilot must call ‘deadstick’ when the examiner initiates the manoeuvre but watch carefully that they have visually checked the landing area before calling (look for head movements). They should be capable of taking their eyes off the model for a second or so in safety.
Pilots flying electric powered models are able to stop and start their motor at will and they have the ability to re-start their motor and climb away from a baulked motor-off landing if necessary. They are therefore able to safely perform a ‘genuine’ deadstick landing and this is what you should expect to see. They must, of course, call ‘deadstick’ immediately prior to starting the manoeuvre. Be aware that many electric models will have propellers that sometimes ‘windmill’ on the glide. This is normal and acceptable and it should be obvious to you that no power is being applied to the propeller at the time.
- Remove model and equipment from the take-off/landing area.
The candidate should agree with the examiner beforehand whether they intend to take the transmitter with them when retrieving their model or choose to leave it with a competent person. The candidate must explain the safety considerations behind their decision, which must be agreed with the examiner. If the candidates elects not to take the transmitter and no one else is available to hold it then you should offer. Whatever process is agreed, it must also be in accordance with any relevant club rules, as appropriate. Generally, for 2.4GHz operations and with suitable consideration, candidates should be able to give a robust safety based argument for taking their Tx with them to recover the model, if it has landed on the normal landing/takeoff area. Conversely, it is difficult to see how any such argument could be made for candidates using 35MHz or 27MHz equipment.
Remember that electric models must be assumed to be ‘live’ until the flight battery has been disconnected and the handling of the aircraft by the candidate must reflect this during retrieval and in the pits area.
- Complete post-flight checks as required by the BMFA Safety Codes.
These are set out clearly in the Member’s Handbook, but you should watch particularly that the Rx off, Tx off, frequency system cleared sequence is followed correctly.
(a) | Carry out pre-flight checks as required by the BMFA Safety Codes. | ||
(b) | Take off and complete a left (or right) hand circuit and overfly the take-off area. | ||
(c) | Fly a ‘figure of eight’ course with the crossover points in front of the pilot, height to be constant. | ||
(d) | Fly a rectangular circuit and approach with appropriate use of the throttle and perform a landing on the designated landing area. | ||
(e) | Take off and complete a left (or right) hand circuit and overfly the take-off area | ||
(f) | Fly a rectangular circuit at a constant height in the opposite direction to the landing circuit flown in (d). | ||
(g) | Perform a simulated deadstick landing with the engine at idle, beginning at a safe height (approx. 200 ft) over the take-off area, the landing to be made in a safe manner on the designated landing area. |