Waveney MFC
Club Constitution
This Constitution was revised by the Committee and approved by members at the Annual General Meeting on the 7th December 2023. (Previous revision 6th April 2017.)
Club Identity
The Club has been named: The Waveney Model Flying Club (WMFC), and is hereinafter referred to in this document as “The Club”. WMFC is a Community Amateur Sports Club registered with HMRC. Reg. No. CASC 05934
1. Objectives
a) To encourage the development of radio controlled model flying and to provide training and education for new members.
b) To operate as an affiliated Club of the BMFA.
c) To associate with other bodies with similar objectives and interests in the development of radio controlled model flying.
d) To hold in possession and administer the Club’s property as appropriate.
e) To maintain and improve the public image of radio controlled model flying.
f) To monitor, improve and maintain safety standards.
g) To work toward the acquisition of a suitable piece of land for a club flying area if required.
h) To monitor, improve and maintain the facilities and amenities of the site.
2. Miscellaneous
a) Membership of the club shall be open to anyone regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities may be applied on a non-discriminatory basis.
b) Flying of Control Line, Pylon Racing, Pulse and turbine Jets, rockets and free flight is not permitted at the Club site.
c) Only legally approved radio frequencies (2.4 GHZ and 35 MHZ) may be used at the Club.
d) No Club member will be allowed to fly unaccompanied, without a “qualified pilot” in attendance unless they have a minimum “A” test certificate. BMFA approved basic proficiency certificate is acceptable only with appropriate aircraft. This is addition to any “spotter” requirements.
(Qualified pilot means Full Member as defined in membership classes a, b, or c, holding at least a BMFA “A” Proficiency Certificate)
e) All powered models, I.C. or electric, shall be required to comply with the noise limitations decreed by the Local Authority, the Environment Agency, the BMFA and the Club.
3. Membership and Fees
3.1 Membership of the Club shall be restricted to the following:
a) Honorary Members – Persons flying or non-flying whose services have been of considerable value to the Club.
b) Ordinary members – Persons wishing to assist in the aims of the Club and to take an active part in the hobby and the Club’s functions.
c) Junior Members – As (d) but under eighteen years of age, and paying such reduced rates of the fees as the Club deem proper.
d) Non-Flying Member – Persons not wishing to fly model aircraft, but wish to participate in the social aspects of the Club.
e) All new members will receive a copy of constitution and flying field rules.
Note – Pre-insured Members: These members must provide evidence of their BMFA insurance before they will be allowed to join/re-join.
3.2 Classes of membership a) and b) carry equal powers of voting at Club Meetings. Classes c) do not have voting rights.
3.3 Fees, including joining and re-joining fees will be determined annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or, in the case of a desire by the Committee to alter these at some interim period, by an Extra-Ordinary Meeting (EGM).
3.4 All members (except non-flying) shall be full Members of the BMFA.
3.5 New Members – All applicants for membership shall be required to follow the Clubs standard application process, as defined by the Committee on behalf of the Club and in effect at the time. Whilst there is no requirement for background checks, these may be requested at the discretion of the Committee. The process is also designed to ensure that applicants have the opportunity to show that they have read, understood and are prepared to abide by the Club’s operating rules. All new members of the club are probationary members for at least three months, during which time they will be required to show evidence of satisfactory behaviour, within the Club’s rules. This probationary period may be extended by the Committee where it feels that there is insufficient information on which to make the decision to award full membership, full membership is otherwise automatic after three months.
3.6 Subscriptions Due – Subscriptions due are payable from the date of the AGM The Club year for membership is 1st January – 31st December. The rejoining fee is no longer applied.
3.7 Repeal of membership – The Club (or Committee acting on its behalf) shall have the right to expel any member of the Club for gross infringement of the Club’s constitution and flying rules or unacceptable behaviour such as verbal abuse, physical abusive, bullying, harassment or intimidating behaviour or conduct. The Club shall not refund any membership fees for any reason whatsoever. This is subject to disciplinary procedure as stated in Appendix.
3.8 Membership Limit – The Club may agree at an AGM of EGM to restrict membership to the Club, subject to the conditions in para. 2a.
3.9 Guests – A person may visit the Club to fly as a guest on no more than three occasions during the club year provided a full member is present and prepared to take responsibility for the guest, including compliance with Flying Site Rules and insurance. Exceptionally, the Committee can authorise more than three visits.
4.0 Composition and Functions of the Club Committee
4.1 The Club Committee will consist of the following:
a) The Chairman: who shall preside over meetings of the Club and Committee and conduct the meetings in accordance with the Constitution of the Club. He/she is charged with ensuring that the Constitution is implemented by the committee.
b) The Honorary Secretary: who shall endeavour to attend all meetings of the Club and Committee and record the minutes of the meetings. He/she shall deal with the correspondence of the Club, other than routine membership matters, and submit to the Committee such as shall be received officially.
d) Membership secretary: who shall deal with all routine membership matters, interfacing with the BMFA as necessary.
e) The Honorary Treasurer: who shall keep accurate records of the Club’s financial transactions. He/she shall receive and promptly bank monies when appropriate and shall conduct banking account close up (s) in the name of the Club. All cheques drawn on such account shall require signing by two of the three authorised signatories, agreed by the Committee. Immediately after the end of the financial year, the Treasurer shall prepare an audited Income and Expenditure Account and submit this to the AGM. A Club member will be requested by the Treasurer/Committee to Audit the account prior to the AGM. The bank card that is attached to the bank account will be held and used by the Treasurer at the discretion of the Committee, for Club business.
f) The President – the retiring chairman shall be proposed as president and must be approved by a majority of members present whom are entitled to vote.
Should the event occur where the retiring Chairman does not wish to accept the position then the current president will be invited to stand for election. Should neither retiring Chairman or current President be accepted then the post will remain vacant for the current year.
4.2 To become eligible for election to the Committee, a member must have belonged to the Club for the preceding period of not less than three months
4.3 The Officers of the Committee are the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer along with three other committee members. They shall be elected at the AGM for a period of one year, but shall be eligible for re- election on an individual basis (there will be no re-election “en bloc”).
4.4 The office of a member of the Committee shall be vacated if:
a) He/she ceases to be a member of the Club.
b) By notice in writing to the Committee, he/she resigns his office.
c) He/she is removed from office by a resolution of the AGM, passed by two thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote, or by the formal process of an EGM with the same voting condition.
d) If he/she absents themselves without reasonable excuse from three consecutive meetings of the Committee.
5.0 Functions of the Committee
The Committee shall be responsible for the routine running of the Club. It will:
a) Generally carry on the work of managing the operation of the Club.
b) Draft regulations for the conduct of business, competitions, safety and flying site practices. These regulations to be presented for approval by Club Members at a general meeting where a majority vote is required by members present.
c) Appoint and dissolve such Sub-Committees as may be considered necessary for technical, organisation, contest, finance or any other aspect of the Committee activities and to delegate to such Sub-Committees such powers as it shall think fit.
d) Co-opt for periods not exceeding twelve months’ other individuals who are able to forward the aims and interest of the Club, but such co-opted persons shall have no voting rights other than as an ordinary Club Member.
e) The Committee will review the current flying field rules before the first club meeting of the year post-election.
6.0 Committee Meetings
Committee Meetings shall be held at least six times per calendar year i.e. every two months. Instead of face-to-face up to three meetings can be on-line, via email, perhaps zoom, or other digital method, including a ‘Committttee WhatsApp group’
7.0 Annual General Meetings (AGM’s) and Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM’s) of the Club
a) The AGM shall be held every year in December and the notice convening the meeting shall state the time and place of the meeting, together with the agenda.
b) Notices of motions for the AGM must be received by the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the meeting.
c) No business not included on the Agenda shall be discussed at the AGM or EGM. Exceptionly, ‘any other buisiness’.
d) All members must be informed of an EGM by postal communication, or email by a member of the Committee, along with the agenda, time and meeting place, at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting and must be held within 21 days of the proposal.
e) An EGM may only be called on the demand of 25% of the Club members, or a resolution passed by the Committee.
f) For an AGM or EGM a majority of the Committee shall be present and proposals at such meetings shall require a majority decision of all members present who are entitled to vote.
g) All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an EGM and all that is transacted at an AGM shall be deemed special except:
i) The election of Officers.
ii) The consideration and adoption of accounts.
iii) The consideration and adoption of the Officers’ Reports.
h) At all Annual, and Extra-Ordinary Meetings, any resolution put to a vote of the Meeting shall be decided on a show of hands by a majority of members present and entitled to vote. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
8.0 General Meetings
A General Meeting of all members of the Club can be held bi-monthly or when required. The management of the Club’s affairs shall be discussed at General Meetings of the Club, attended by elected officers of the Committee and Club members. The views of the membership shall be established and on matters of policy, the endorsement of the members shall be obtained. Other subjects may be arranged.
9.0 General
9.1 The members shall not use, or allow the name of the Club to be used in any advertisement, prospectus, business announcement, or in any manner whatsoever without prior consent of the Committee.
9.2 All communications to members of the Club shall be sent via appropriate communication channels.
9.3 This constitution shall come into force during the first quarter following its adoption at the AGM or EGM and will be subject to periodic review by the Committee. The period of review shall not exceed two years. Any changes recommended by the Committee shall be subject to ratification by a majority of members at an AGM or EGM.
10.0 Finances
a) A majority of the Committee, acting together, shall have the power to spend up to £200 of Club funds and inform Club Members, at General Meetings, of their actions.
b) Any expenditure in excess of the above sum must be approved by a majority vote at a Club Meeting or online comunication.
c) The Club financial year is from 1st December to Novemer 31st.
11.0 Flying
11.1 The Committee, Club Examiner, Safety Officers and Instructors, will be responsible for the running of the flying field at all times. Appointment to the position of Club Instructor should be made by a Committee decision with the guidance of the Club Examiner. All members should act as Safety Officers. A breach of safety should be pointed out if it is not being adhered to. We all have a duty of care for each other and general public.
11.2 All flying members must attain the minimum standards of flying required under the WMFC training scheme before receiving the BMFA “A” Certificate and before being permitted to fly unsupervised.
11.3 Any member whose flying standards drop below the minimum requirement for solo standard will be required to re-join the training scheme until the desired standards of flying are met.
12.0 Dissolution
If the Committee, by a simple majority, decide at any time that, on the grounds of expense or otherwise, it is necessary to dissolve the WMFC, it shall call an EGM. A decision on whether or not to cease operation will be confirmed by a simple majority of those members present and entitled to vote as such a meeting. Any assets remaining shall be given, or transferred to another registered Community Amateur Sports Club, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body for use by them, in community related sports.
Appendix 1
Disciplinary Procedure guidance
Minor faults or shortcomings in behaviour should be dealt with informally by a committee member with a view to reaching agreement on the improvement required. Informal warnings should not form part of the formal disciplinary procedure and the formal procedure would not be followed before an informal warning is given. If, however, the problem persists or if the matter is more serious, action under the formal disciplinary procedure should be taken.
The disciplinary procedure is intended to provide a formal framework to deal with situations where an individual’s conduct falls below acceptable standards and to ensure fair and consistent treatment of all members in such circumstances.
Invitation to a Meeting
The Committee should set out in writing to the member, the alleged conduct or other circumstances which has led them to contemplate formal action or dismissal and the member should be invited to a meeting to discuss the matter.
Disciplinary Meeting
The meeting should take place before any action is taken (other than suspension, in the event of alleged gross misconduct or police investigation, to enable a full investigation to take place). The Meeting should not take place until:
(i) the member has been informed of the basis for the grounds given in the original notice of formal action or dismissal and
(ii) the member has had a reasonable opportunity to consider their response to such information:
At the meeting the Committee should explain the complaint against the member concerned and go through evidence that has been gathered.
The member must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting.
After the meeting the member should be informed in writing, within 14 days, of the Committee’s decision and their right to appeal against such decision to the members at a general meeting if they are not satisfied with the decision.
If the member wishes to appeal they should inform the Club Secretary in writing within the decision letter notice.
The member should set out specific reasons for the appeal.
The Secretary shall call an EGM of the Club to hear the appeal.
The member must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting.
The appeal meeting may take place after the disciplinary action or dismissal takes effect.
After the appeal general meeting the member must be informed of the general meetings final decision.
At any meeting under the disciplinary procedure the member concerned should be given the right to be accompanied by another club member to act in a supporting capacity but such companion may not usually answer questions on behalf of the member subject to the procedure.
The member concerned also has the right to call witnesses or ask questions of any witnesses called by the Committee.
General principles for the operation of the disciplinary and dismissal procedure:
• Formal disciplinary action should not normally be taken until the matter has been investigated.
• Where an allegation of misconduct is made against a member, the member may be suspended from all club activities whilst an investigation is carried out.
• The member should be advised of the allegations against him/her and have an opportunity to state their case before any formal disciplinary decision is made.
• The member should be provided, where appropriate, with written copies of evidence and relevant witness statements in advance of a disciplinary meeting.
• At every stage of the formal disciplinary procedure, the member will have a right to be accompanied by another member.
• A member should not be dismissed for a first breach of the rules, except in the case of gross misconduct, when the penalty will normally be immediate dismissal.
• The member concerned will have the right to appeal against any formal disciplinary penalty.
Disciplinary Sanctions
As part of any disciplinary procedure, where the Committee considers it appropriate to do so, they may impose a disciplinary sanction. These will generally take the form of some type of warning.
• Verbal warning notice – If conduct does not meet acceptable standards, a member will be given a formal verbal warning. This should set out the conduct problem, confirmations of improvement required and timescale for improvement to be made. A record of the verbal warning shall be kept.
• Written warning – if the offence is more serious or if there is insufficient improvement after a verbal warning, or if a further offence occurs a written warning will be given. This will set out the nature of the conduct problem and confirmation of improvement required and timescale for improvement to be made. The warning should also detail that if failure to improve conduct or further disciplinary offence occurs within 12 months of issue then a final warning will be given. A record of the written warning shall be kept.
• Final warning – If there is still insufficient improvement after a verbal and/or written warning has been issued or if the conduct is serious enough to warrant only one written warning, a final written warning will be given. This will detail the complaint, the improvement required and timescale for the improvement. It will also warn of future consequences should conduct not improve, such as dismissal or other action short of dismissal. A record of the final warning will be kept.
• Dismissal or other sanction – If there is still further misconduct or failure to improve conduct the final stage in the procedure is dismissal.
Examples of misconduct
Examples of misconduct which may lead to disciplinary action being taken include, but not limited to:
• Failure to comply with field safety rules.
• Breach of Club polices or practices.
• Intimidating or bullying behaviour towards another member.
Examples of gross misconduct
The Club may consider some types of misconduct to be so serious that a disciplinary warning would be an insufficient penalty. Such offences are offences of gross misconduct these include, but are not limited to:
• Dishonesty, theft and fraud from the Club or its members.
• Vandalism or sabotage of Club property or equipment.
• Fighting, or seriously disruptive behaviour or abusive language.
• Misuse of club financial or other club confidential information.
• Acts of harassment or discrimination.
• Any criminal offence carried out at club site or during club meetings/events where such offence impacts or may impact on the Club.
Appendix 2 Welfare of Children and Vulnerable Adults
The Club and the BMFA believes that the care and welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility, particularly when it concerns protection from abuse.
The Children’s Act 1989 indicates anyone who has the care of children should do what is reasonable in all circumstances for the purpose of safeguarding or promoting the child’s welfare. The parents, guardians, carers, friends and those for whom we are caring also have a vital role to play. Similar principles also apply to those working with vulnerable adults.
Responsibility for children and vulnerable adults is shared between parents, guardians or carers and the club members and is well publicised to ensure that all are aware of the diversion of responsibilities. A copy of Club rules and this policy is given to all parents, carers or guardian in addition to club members and their attention is drawn to them.
Club members, especially those instructing junior members or vulnerable adults should avoid placing themselves in a position that could be open to misinterpretation or question, ideally having another member present throughout instruction.
Details on local authority guidelines for Safeguarding policies are on display at the flying site.